German Dual Vocational Training in Malaysia

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German Dual Vocational Training - The DVT Concept
The system of dual vocational training is a success story for German industry and trade and offers companies a highly trained workforce with comprehensive practical, theoretical and personal skills.
In Malaysia, the German model of dual vocational training (known locally as GDVT – abbreviation for German Dual Vocational Training) has been successfully implemented since 2014.
Combining 70% practical and 30% theoretical training, the program aims to inspire young Malaysian graduates by offering both on-the-job training as well as employment after the training.
On the national level, it is linked to the Malaysian National Dual Training System, Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) and is coordinated by MGCC together with the Malaysian Department of Skills Development, Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK).
The program aims to inspire young Malaysian school leavers by providing in-company training at work as well as post-employment employment. The system of dual vocational training is a success story for Germany's commercial economy and offers companies a well-trained workforce with extensive practical, theoretical and personal skills.
(© MGCC)
For further information about the program, contact:
Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC)
German Dual Vocational Training
Tel.: +60 3 9235 1800 ext. 1943
E-mail: dvt@malaysia.ahk.de
Website: https://malaysia.ahk.de/en/vocational-training